Angular Vs React Vs Vue - What's The Difference?

In recent years, the world of front-end web development has seen an explosion in the number of JavaScript frameworks and libraries available. While this can be a good thing for developers, it can also be overwhelming to decide which one to choose for a particular project. In this blog, we will compare three of the most popular front-end frameworks: Angular vs React vs Vue and try to answer the question of which framework is better in 2023.


Angular is a comprehensive front-end framework that has been around for quite some time. It is backed by Google, and its latest version, Angular 13, was released in November 2022. Angular is an all-encompassing framework that furnishes a complete solution for building complex applications. It uses TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript, and offers a lot of features out of the box, such as routing, forms handling, dependency injection, and more. Angular also has a powerful CLI that helps developers set up a project quickly and easily.


React, which is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook, has been increasing in popularity over the years since its initial release in 2013. With its most recent version, React 19, being released in October 2022, React utilizes a component-based methodology where each component corresponds to a specific aspect of the user interface. This approach makes it simple to reuse components and construct intricate user interfaces. React additionally provides versatility by allowing integration with other frameworks and libraries, including Redux for managing application state.


Vue is a progressive front-end framework that was created by Evan You and first released in 2014. Its latest version, Vue 3, was released in September 2022. Vue is known for its simplicity and ease of use, as it allows developers to gradually add features as needed. Vue follows a comparable methodology to React, in which every component denotes a specific part of the user interface. Vue also offers a lot of flexibility, as it can be used with other libraries and frameworks, such as Vuex for state management.

React vs Angular vs Vue - which framework is better in 2023?

The response to this query is reliant on various factors, including the magnitude and intricacy of the project, the abilities, and inclinations of the development team, as well as the resources and tools that are accessible. However, here are some general recommendations:

For larger and more complex projects, you can hire angular developers. Angular may be the best choice due to its comprehensive structure and features. However, for smaller projects or teams with less experience, React or Vue may be more suitable due to their simplicity and flexibility. React may be a good choice for developers who prefer to choose their tools and libraries, while Vue may be a good choice for developers who prefer a more opinionated framework.

The selection of a framework should ultimately rely on the particular necessities and objectives of the project, along with the preferences and abilities of the development team. It is important for agile software company to do thorough research and experimentation before making a decision and to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the world of front-end web development.


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